Multimedia objects search

Total search results: 865

Matterhorn in Production at UC Berkeley

Viewed: 4 times
Mar 20, 2014

Video Concept Browser

Brandon Muramatsu ...
Viewed: 8 times
Mar 20, 2014

Matterhorn and student marks @ UPV

Carlos Turró ( Universitat Politècnica de València )
Viewed: 3 times
Mar 20, 2014

A new Admin UI for Opencast Matterhorn - again?

Olaf Schulte ( ETH Zürich ) ...
Viewed: 18 times
Mar 19, 2014

Let-s fix it in post

Stephen Marquard ( University of Cape Town )
Viewed: 3 times
Mar 19, 2014

Theodul Player, videoeditor

Rüdiger Rolf ( Elan e.v. Osnabrück )
Viewed: 18 times
Mar 19, 2014

Matterhorn videoeditor

Rüdiger Rolf ( Elan e.v. Osnabrück )
Viewed: 6 times
Mar 19, 2014

Capture Agent Robustness

James Perrin ( University of Manchester )
Viewed: 10 times
Mar 19, 2014

UC Berkeley's recent contributions to Opencast Matterhorn

John Crossman
Viewed: 14 times
Mar 19, 2014

Building MOOCs with MH and OpenEdX

Vicente Goyanes ( Teltek Video Research )
Viewed: 9 times
Mar 19, 2014